Thursday, December 24, 2009

Here at last.

The final countdown is at hand, in just a few short hours it will be Christmas at last, I truely hope everyone have a great time but don't let all the goodness of Christmas end with the passing of a few hours on Christmas day. To see wide spread love and good will towards men take place on this special day is indeed a great blessing but to  carry that same love and good will over into and throughout the new year is a greater blessing. That being said I leave you with this thought: when the songs stop playing and the last twinkling light goes out, there is one light that must memain lit and that light is the light of God's love burning brightly in the hearts of men.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

FoundationStone - a free and easy way to learn Hebrew

FoundationStone - a free and easy way to learn Hebrew

Failed relationships

Relationships can be a difficult thing to manage, sometimes in order to repair a broken relationship it has to be torn down and rebuilt,take special care to avoid making the same mistakes all over agin by taking note of the things that caused trouble in the first place. By using those very mistakes as a guide one can affectly build a better and more enjoyable friendship.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Standing on God's word .

Life Is a road that has many twist and turns, you never know what awaits around the next bend. Your path may be smooth and your journey sweet, or you may run into an obstacle and stumble to the ground but if you stay down then your journey has come to an end. In my life I've fallen many times, I've done things I shouldn't have done and my actions have caused hurt and pain in the lives of others. some may retain anger,hate and malicious thought towards me but I will never let that keep me from being a christian because one thing I know is that being a christian is not something that can be perfected in a year nor can it be made perfect in 20 years. Christian living is an on going process that has no point of completion and it offers no guarantee against Sin. Jesus taught that we should strive to live a sin free lifestyle but he knew also that man is a product of sin therefore at some point and time we are bound to sin, that fact is revealed in 1 John 1:8-10 and it reads as fallowing.

If we say that we have no Sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Someone asked me why people listen to me and in response to that question I say this: yes I have sinned against Man and against God and I ask forgiveness from both God and man but if man cannot forgive me after I,ve made an apology then that's on that person/persons because I'm standing on the word of the most high.

1 John 2:1-2 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man Sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sin: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

The whole purpose of this blog is to provide one on one confrontation, you get your bible and I'll get mine, we wont listen to each other but let the word of God speak for it's self.

This post is Dedicated to mz La La, may God keep her in his grace.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Have you received your blessing today? if you answered no to this question then you're not thinking clearly. Gods blessings are so abundant that we cannot count them, the the air you breathe, the house you live in, and the Car u drive are just a few of the things he provides and it's all because of his great Love for mankind. God wakes us up in the morning to see the light of a new day, he cause the trees to grow from the ground and command the clouds to water them well. God puts the food on the table,the clothes on your back, when you travel to and from work his loving hands protects us from harm. sure hard times may come upon you and your back may be up against the wall at times but never say God has forsaken you, we often cut ourselves out of the blessings freely giving to us because of disobedience, lean to slow down and listen for the voice of God and obey, that's how to unlock his storehouse and receive of his riches.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's that time of year again, the smile on people's face testifiy to the great joy abounding in the hearts of most people. The towns and cities are dressed in shimmering light with music that brings out the shopping spirit in us all, the exchange of  gifts is the grand fanally of it all but why do we do it,, how does the customs and treditions of our day mimic the tremendous event that took place at the birth of Jesus? On Christmas one can find a vast number of parties going on where the consumption of alcholic brevarges and mind altering drugs are freely displayed. what has all that to do with celebrating Jesus?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

how to shame the devil.

One of the bigest problems facing christians today is the endless acts of discouragement coming from friends and family members. sad to say but this group is one of Satan's greatest tool,  he knows that no one can get at you like a good friend or a member of your own family. unknowingly they allow themselves to be participants in the devil's little sachem. in my exprience I have come across people and had them make me feel like I was fighting a losing battle but God has always been right there telling me to hold my head up high and put the divel to shame. sure you're going to stumble and possibly fall but if you stay down then you let the devil win. the key to overcoming the attacks of Satan is to reconize his work when you see it, no he's not just going to materialize in front of you with the horns and pitch folk made famouse in movies. Satan is much more clever than that, you can look for him to come at you through the people around or even perfect strangers  so one must be wacthful at all times. Have u ever had some tell you you're not a Christian because of something you did or maybe because you're not acting like they think you should. well guess what? they talked about Jesus so sure they're going to talk about you too, don't you know that by becoming a Christian you partook of the suffering of Christ. things are not going to be peaches and cream but the trails you will no doubt suffer will in the end make you a better child of God, let people say what they will but never let their words be a deterrent to you.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Have you ever seen God?

Most people believe that there is a God, it was he that created the world and all that is in the world. The Bible tells us that God loves us and that if we live according to his will we can join him in heaven and live forever. thats the belief and hope of the Christain and it's their job to spread the good news to those that don't know already. Sounds simple, right? Believe me when I say that you're in for a exprience. When you try to present the word to some people you;ll be met with great opposition and offten a ton of foolish questions. when someone ask you how do you know that God exist, what would you say? what bible vreses can you use to answer this question, after all you've never seen him so how do you prove he is real.. I welcome any and all comments on this topic, your questions will be answered in a timely manner now let's get buzzing.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Does God call women to preach

This is no doubt a loaded question, most pastors today will strongly reject the idea of women preachers. The scripture mostly used to support their argument is found in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, yet there are many women preaching from the pullpits all over America. Is the scripture found in corinthians being correctly understood or is there a gross misinterpretation of the word of God being taught in todays Churches.this subject is discussed in greater detail at type albert49 in the search box and click on Does God Call Women To Preach, you can also find other interesting subject there that was written by me so check it out. all comments in responce of this post is welcome, let me know your view or ask a question on a subject of interest to you.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and Satanic worship

Someone asked the question is Halloween Satanic worship? to answer that question I'll say that many of the activities involved in the celebration of Halloween is repersentive of pagan druid religion.A significant aspect of paganism was Witchcraft, the invocation of spirits, placing curses, conjuring up the dead, sorcery, magic and human sacrifice. the word of God strongly condemn pagan practice as is discribed in Dueteronomy 18:10-12.. There shall not be found  among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or and Enchanter, or a Wicth 11. or a Charmer, or a consulter with famililar spirits, or aWizard, or a necromancer 12. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the lord: and because of these abominations the lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. although the general public don't practic wicthcraft or any of the other things I mentioned still engage in a celebration that repersent pagan ideas and therefore as guilty as those that do, but that's my opinion.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome bible to bible

Welcome to bible to bible, this is where all your bible questions are answered strait from the word of God. The fun thing is you get to read along in your own bible, never take man's word over God. Feel free to submit a question and see what the answer will be, I believe in studying the word rather than just reading through so let's get cracking. I'll get the ball rolling by posting the first question.

My question focus on Christian Denominations, since denominationalism indicate separation in the body of Christ how do one determine which doctrine is true and how can we know if it's the same doctrine taught by Christ?