Saturday, December 5, 2009

Have you received your blessing today? if you answered no to this question then you're not thinking clearly. Gods blessings are so abundant that we cannot count them, the the air you breathe, the house you live in, and the Car u drive are just a few of the things he provides and it's all because of his great Love for mankind. God wakes us up in the morning to see the light of a new day, he cause the trees to grow from the ground and command the clouds to water them well. God puts the food on the table,the clothes on your back, when you travel to and from work his loving hands protects us from harm. sure hard times may come upon you and your back may be up against the wall at times but never say God has forsaken you, we often cut ourselves out of the blessings freely giving to us because of disobedience, lean to slow down and listen for the voice of God and obey, that's how to unlock his storehouse and receive of his riches.


  1. How can you talk about god when you are doing wrong? You lie, mistreat trust and try to justify it by saying "Someone plant it in my head"? Read your bible again man because io dont get you. You suppose to be a god fearing man but you aint nothing but a devil in sheep clothing. I believe in god thats why i never lied to you or misled you. Think about it if i was talking to other men why did i give you access to my cell phone account where you could see every number that called me or texted me. You could have called them and asks them who there were. family and clients and i also gave you access to myspace account where you can keep your eye on me. The reason i did that is because you was my man and i'm the kind of woman that doesn't want her man to feel insecure about nothing and i want him to know and realize hes my only priority. I'm a god fearing woman and i take relationships seriously. I didn't have no reason to lie. Living in God's word mean be honest and true and you wasn't either one. So why should anybody listen to you when you don't go by it yourself?

  2. Thank you for your comment, I value your comment and respect your right to voice an earnest opinion.we all have our bad points as well as our good. I can say with earnestness that my mistakes are many but let no man sit in judgement of me. you profess to be a child of God so you should be aware of matt 7: 1-2 and it reads as fallowing: Judge not, that ye be not judge,2 For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. In light of that passage I'll say this to you, if I am to be judged let me be judged by God. If I have done wrong to you I appologize, if you forgive me not then I'll pray for you and love you anyway.

  3. but you still havent answer my question tho. why should we as people thats looking for guidance and understanding when you don't practice it yourself should believe anything that you say. They say seeing is believing.........
