Tuesday, November 17, 2009

how to shame the devil.

One of the bigest problems facing christians today is the endless acts of discouragement coming from friends and family members. sad to say but this group is one of Satan's greatest tool,  he knows that no one can get at you like a good friend or a member of your own family. unknowingly they allow themselves to be participants in the devil's little sachem. in my exprience I have come across people and had them make me feel like I was fighting a losing battle but God has always been right there telling me to hold my head up high and put the divel to shame. sure you're going to stumble and possibly fall but if you stay down then you let the devil win. the key to overcoming the attacks of Satan is to reconize his work when you see it, no he's not just going to materialize in front of you with the horns and pitch folk made famouse in movies. Satan is much more clever than that, you can look for him to come at you through the people around or even perfect strangers  so one must be wacthful at all times. Have u ever had some tell you you're not a Christian because of something you did or maybe because you're not acting like they think you should. well guess what? they talked about Jesus so sure they're going to talk about you too, don't you know that by becoming a Christian you partook of the suffering of Christ. things are not going to be peaches and cream but the trails you will no doubt suffer will in the end make you a better child of God, let people say what they will but never let their words be a deterrent to you.

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