Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Judging Others

Have you ever known someone whom was thought of around the community to be of bad report? A person not welcome at many homes and watched with both eyes whenever he/she venture outside the confines of his/her own home. A person under such a title as that is considered an outcast, nothing more than the dust shaken from the feet of society. we live in a Country dominated by Christian value and yet we are so crule that we've down graded certian members of society to a class of sub-humans, people having the appearance of regular humans but doesn't deserve the same rights, love and respect as the bulk of society. People often classed in this group include Alcoholics, homeless persons and the ever popular Crackhead, more dreaded then all the others because of crimes and lawless behavior associated with Crack enduced activities. Like most Americans I bought into the stereotypical view and cast judgement on some people without really knowing  who or what they were all about, my judgement was based on what others was saying about  them. Recently I received a great blessing from God but It came in such a strange way that I never saw it coming, I was at the hospital with a friend who was recovering from a stroke when in walked a woman that knew my friend, I knew her as well but only by reputation as she was a known crackhead. A few minutes after her arrival the Doctor came and wheeled my friend in for his appointment leaving me and woman sitting in loby, there we were, just the two of us so she soon made an attempt to break the slience that had overcame us and needless to say I was uneasy about being in her company in fear of what people would say if someone that knows me walked in. as we sat and I listened to her speak something powerful took place right before my eyes, the shame of  being in her presents had gone away and my ears tuned in on what she was talking about and the more I heard the more I wanted to hear. In some strange way she went from being just a crackhead to being a real person, a woman wanting to be loved, a mother that want a better life for her child, a fighter strugling to redeem herself from the very drugs that has been her prison for years. Here was a woman that lived each day in fear that the authorities would come any day and take away the one thing that gives her the will to fihgt the good fight( Her Son ). meeting miss Livingston changed the way I view other people because no two people are alike and to judge another person based on an misinformed public opinion can keep you from getting to know some great folks. I do hope things work out for miss Livingston and I'll keep her in my prayers.

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